March 26, 2014

If you could tell a user three things to do to stay safe online, what would they be?

At Google, we’re constantly trying to improve security for our users. Besides the many technical security features we build, our efforts include educating users with advice about what they can do to stay safe online. Our Safety Center is a great example of this. But we’re always trying to do better and have been looking for ways to improve how we provide security advice to users.

That’s why we’ve started a research project to try to pare down existing security advice to a small set of things we can realistically expect our users to do to stay safe online. As part of this project, we are currently running a survey of security experts to see what advice they think is most important.

If you work in security, we’d really appreciate your input. Please take our survey here:

With your input we can draw on our collective expertise to get closer to an optimal set of advice that users can realistically follow, and thus, be safer online. Thanks!


  1. I wanted to help but frankly the survey is way too long

  2. Sorry guys the survay was too long. I started to fill in, but it was too long for me.


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