November 22, 2011

Reminder: Safe Browsing version 1 API turning down December 1

In May we announced that we are ending support for the Safe Browsing protocol version 1 on December 1 in order to focus our resources on the new version 2 API and the lookup service. These new APIs provide simpler and more efficient access to the same data, and they use significantly less bandwidth. If you haven't yet migrated off of the version 1 API, we encourage you to do so as soon as possible. Our earlier post contains links to documentation for the new protocol version and other resources to help you make the transition smoothly.

After December 1, we will remove all data from the version 1 API list to ensure that any remaining clients do not have false positives in their database. After January 1, 2012, we will turn off the version 1 service completely, and all requests will return a 404 error.

Thanks for your cooperation, and enjoy using the next generation of Safe Browsing.

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