Vinay, I think the official reCAPTCHA blog ( ) linked on the official reCAPTCHA site ( ) needs to be updated. Has it been forgotten? Last entry was in 2009. Do a post there giving the URL of the new blog location (i.e. )
I first went to looking for reCAPTCHA news but seeing it was years out of date, wondered if there was a new blog somewhere - and had to search and see!
3 kommentarer :
Is there a way to opt-out of the Valentine's Day theme?
Thank you for the amazing read! Bookmarked it! :D
Vinay, I think the official reCAPTCHA blog ( ) linked on the official reCAPTCHA site ( ) needs to be updated. Has it been forgotten? Last entry was in 2009. Do a post there giving the URL of the new blog location (i.e. )
I first went to looking for reCAPTCHA news but seeing it was years out of date, wondered if there was a new blog somewhere - and had to search and see!
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