Like many other companies, we’re closely following the multiple CVEs regarding Apache Log4j 2. Our security teams are investigating any potential impact on Google products and services and are focused on protecting our users and customers.
Like many other companies, we’re closely following the multiple CVEs regarding Apache Log4j 2. Our security teams are investigating any potential impact on Google products and services and are focused on protecting our users and customers.

We encourage anyone who manages environments containing Log4j 2 to update to the latest version.

Based on findings in our ongoing investigations, here is our list of product and service updates as of December 17th (CVE-2021-44228 & CVE-2021-45046):

Android is not aware of any impact to the Android Platform or Enterprise. At this time, no update is required for this specific vulnerability, but we encourage our customers to ensure that the latest security updates are applied to their devices.

Chrome OS  releases and infrastructure are not using versions of Log4j affected by the vulnerability.

Chrome Browser releases, infrastructure and admin console are not using versions of Log4j affected by the vulnerability.

Google Cloud has a specific advisory dedicated to updating customers on the status of GCP and Workspace products and services.

Google Marketing Platform, including Google Ads is not using versions of Log4j affected by the vulnerability. This includes Display & Video 360, Search Ads 360, Google Ads, Analytics (360 and free), Optimize 360, Surveys 360 & Tag Manager 360.

YouTube  is not using versions of Log4j affected by the vulnerability.

We will continue to update this advisory with the latest information.

Editors Note:

The below numbers were calculated based on both log4j-core and log4j-api, as both were listed on the CVE. Since then, the CVE has been updated with the clarification that only log4j-core is affected.

The ecosystem impact numbers for just log4j-core, as of 19th December are over 17,000 packages affected, which is roughly 4% of the ecosystem. 25% of affected packages have fixed versions available.

The linked list, which continues to be updated, only includes packages which depend on log4j-core.


More than 35,000 Java packages, amounting to over 8% of the Maven Central repository (the most significant Java package repository), have been impacted by the recently disclosed log4j vulnerabilities (1, 2), with widespread fallout across the software industry. The vulnerabilities allow an attacker to perform remote code execution by exploiting the insecure JNDI lookups feature exposed by the logging library log4j. This exploitable feature was enabled by default in many versions of the library.

This vulnerability has captivated the information security ecosystem since its disclosure on December 9th because of both its severity and widespread impact. As a popular logging tool, log4j is used by tens of thousands of software packages (known as artifacts in the Java ecosystem) and projects across the software industry. User’s lack of visibility into their dependencies and transitive dependencies has made patching difficult; it has also made it difficult to determine the full blast radius of this vulnerability. Using Open Source Insights, a project to help understand open source dependencies, we surveyed all versions of all artifacts in the Maven Central Repository to determine the scope of the issue in the open source ecosystem of JVM based languages, and to track the ongoing efforts to mitigate the affected packages.

How widespread is the log4j vulnerability?

As of December 16, 2021, we found that 35,863 of the available Java artifacts from Maven Central depend on the affected log4j code. This means that more than 8% of all packages on Maven Central have at least one version that is impacted by this vulnerability. (These numbers do not encompass all Java packages, such as directly distributed binaries, but Maven Central is a strong proxy for the state of the ecosystem.)

As far as ecosystem impact goes, 8% is enormous. The average ecosystem impact of advisories affecting Maven Central is 2%, with the median less than 0.1%.Direct dependencies account for around 7,000 of the affected artifacts, meaning that any of its versions depend upon an affected version of log4j-core or log4j-api, as described in the CVEs. The majority of affected artifacts come from indirect dependencies (that is, the dependencies of one’s own dependencies), meaning log4j is not explicitly defined as a dependency of the artifact, but gets pulled in as a transitive dependency.
What is the current progress in fixing the open source JVM ecosystem?
We counted an artifact as fixed if the artifact had at least one version affected and has released a greater stable version (according to semantic versioning) that is unaffected. An artifact affected by log4j is considered fixed if it has updated to 2.16.0 or removed its dependency on log4j altogether.

At the time of writing, nearly five thousand of the affected artifacts have been fixed. This represents a rapid response and mammoth effort both by the log4j maintainers and the wider community of open source consumers.

That leaves over 30,000 artifacts affected, many of which are dependent on another artifact to patch (the transitive dependency) and are likely blocked.

Why is fixing the JVM ecosystem hard?
Most artifacts that depend on log4j do so indirectly. The deeper the vulnerability is in a dependency chain, the more steps are required for it to be fixed. The following diagram shows a histogram of how deeply an affected log4j package (core or api) first appears in consumers dependency graphs. For greater than 80% of the packages, the vulnerability is more than one level deep, with a majority affected five levels down (and some as many as nine levels down). These packages will require fixes throughout all parts of the tree, starting from the deepest dependencies first.

Another difficulty is caused by ecosystem-level choices in the dependency resolution algorithm and requirement specification conventions.

In the Java ecosystem, it’s common practice to specify “soft” version requirements — exact versions that are used by the resolution algorithm if no other version of the same package appears earlier in the dependency graph. Propagating a fix often requires explicit action by the maintainers to update the dependency requirements to a patched version.

This practice is in contrast to other ecosystems, such as npm, where it’s common for developers to specify open ranges for dependency requirements. Open ranges allow the resolution algorithm to select the most recently released version that satisfies dependency requirements, thereby pulling in new fixes. Consumers can get a patched version on the next build after the patch is available, which propagates up the dependencies quickly. (This approach is not without its drawbacks; pulling in new fixes can also pull in new problems.)

How long will it take for this vulnerability to be fixed across the entire ecosystem?

It’s hard to say. We looked at all publicly disclosed critical advisories affecting Maven packages to get a sense of how quickly other vulnerabilities have been fully addressed. Less than half (48%) of the artifacts affected by a vulnerability have been fixed, so we might be in for a long wait, likely years.

But things are looking promising on the log4j front. After less than a week, 4,620 affected artifacts (~13%) have been fixed. This, more than any other stat, speaks to the massive effort by open source maintainers, information security teams and consumers across the globe.

Where to focus next?

Thanks and congratulations are due to the open source maintainers and consumers who have already upgraded their versions of log4j. As part of our investigation, we pulled together a list of 500 affected packages with some of the highest transitive usage. If you are a maintainer or user helping with the patching effort, prioritizing these packages could maximize your impact and unblock more of the community.

We encourage the open source community to continue to strengthen security in these packages by enabling automated dependency updates and adding security mitigations. Improvements such as these could qualify for financial rewards from the Secure Open Source Rewards program.

You can explore your package dependencies and their vulnerabilities by using Open Source Insights.

The discovery of the Log4Shell vulnerability has set the internet on fire. Similar to shellshock and heartbleed, Log4Shell is just the latest catastrophic vulnerability in software that runs the internet. Our mission as the Google Open Source Security Team is to secure the open source libraries the world depends on, such as Log4j. One of our capabilities in this space is OSS-Fuzz, a free fuzzing service that is used by over 500 critical open source projects and has found more than 7,000 vulnerabilities in its lifetime.

We want to empower open source developers to secure their code on their own. Over the next year we will work on better automated detection of non-memory corruption vulnerabilities such as Log4Shell. We have started this work by partnering with the security company Code Intelligence to provide continuous fuzzing for Log4j, as part of OSS-Fuzz. Also as part of this partnership, Code-Intelligence improved their Jazzer fuzzing engine to make it capable of detecting remote JNDI lookups. We have awarded Code Intelligence $25,000 for this effort and will continue to work with them on securing the open source ecosystem.
Vulnerabilities like Log4Shell are an eye-opener for the industry in terms of new attack vectors. With OSS-Fuzz and Jazzer, we can now detect this class of vulnerability so that they can be fixed before they become a problem in production code.

Over the past year we have made a number of investments to strengthen the security of critical open source projects, and recently announced our $10 billion commitment to cybersecurity defense including $100 million to support third-party foundations that manage open source security priorities and help fix vulnerabilities.

We appreciate the maintainers, security engineers and incident responders that are working to mitigate Log4j and make our internet ecosystem safer.

Check out our documentation to get started using OSS-Fuzz.

The external security researcher community plays an integral role in making the Google Play ecosystem safe and secure. Through this partnership with the community, Google has been able to collaborate with third-party developers to fix thousands of security issues in Android applications before they are exploited and reward security researchers for their hard work and dedication.

In order to empower the next generation of Android security researchers, Google has collaborated with industry partners including HackerOne and PayPal to host a number of Android App Hacking Workshops. These workshops are an effort designed to educate security researchers and cybersecurity students of all skill levels on how to find Android application vulnerabilities through a series of hands-on working sessions, both in-person and virtual.

Through these workshops, we’ve seen attendees from groups such as Merritt College's cybersecurity program and alumni of Hack the Hood go on to report real-world security vulnerabilities to the Google Play Security Rewards program. This reward program is designed to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in apps on Google Play, and keep Android users, developers and the Google Play ecosystem safe.

Today, we are releasing our slide deck and workshop materials, including source code for a custom-built Android application that allows you to test your Android application security skills in a variety of capture the flag style challenges.

These materials cover a wide range of techniques for finding vulnerabilities in Android applications. Whether you’re just getting started or have already found many bugs - chances are you’ll learn something new from these challenges! If you get stuck and need a hint on solving a challenge, the solutions for each are available in the Android App Hacking Workshop here.

As you work through the challenges and learn more about the techniques and tips described in our workshop materials, we’d love to hear your feedback.

Additional Resources:

  • If you want to learn more about how to prepare, launch, and run a Vulnerability Disclosure Program (VDP) or discover how to work with external security researchers, check out our VDP course here.
  • If you’re a developer looking to build more secure applications, check out Android app security best practices here.

Kubernetes Security is constantly evolving - keeping pace with enhanced functionality, usability and flexibility while also balancing the security needs of a wide and diverse set of use-cases.

Kubernetes Security is constantly evolving - keeping pace with enhanced functionality, usability and flexibility while also balancing the security needs of a wide and diverse set of use-cases.

Recently, the GKE Security team discovered a high severity vulnerability that allowed workloads to have access to parts of the host filesystem outside the mounted volumes boundaries. Although the vulnerability was patched back in September we thought it would be beneficial to write up a more in-depth analysis of the issue to share with the community.

We assessed the impact of the vulnerability as described in vulnerability management in open-source Kubernetes and worked closely with the GKE Storage team and the Kubernetes Security Response Committee to find a fix. In this post we’ll give some background on how the subpath storage system works, an overview of the vulnerability, the steps to find the root cause and the fix, and finally some recommendations for GKE and Anthos users.

Kubernetes Filesystems: Intro to Volume Subpath
The vulnerability, CVE-2021-25741, was caused by a race condition during the creation of a subpath bind mount inside a container, and allowed an attacker to gain unauthorized access to the underlying node filesystem and its sensitive files. We’ll describe how that system is supposed to work, and then talk about the vulnerability.

The volume subpath feature in Kubernetes enables sharing a volume in multiple containers inside a pod. For example, we could create a Pod with an InitContainer that creates directories with pre-populated data in a mounted filesystem volume. These directories can then be used by containers in the same Pod by mounting the same volume and optionally specifying a subpath field to limit what's visible inside the container.

While there are some great use cases for this feature, it’s an area that has had vulnerabilities discovered in the past. The kubelet must be extra cautious when handling user-owned subpaths because it operates with privileges in the host. One vulnerability that has been previously discovered involved the creation of a malicious workload where an InitContainer would create a symlink pointing to any location in the host. For example, the InitContainer could mount a volume in /mnt and create a symlink /mnt/attack inside the container pointing to /etc. Later in the Pod lifecycle, another container would attempt to mount the same volume with subpath attack. While preparing the volumes for the container, the kubelet would end up following the symlink to the host’s /etc instead of the container’s /etc, unknowingly exposing the host filesystem to the container. A previous fix made sure that the subpath mount location is resolved and validated to point to a location inside the base volume and that it's not changeable by the user in between the time the path was validated and when the container runtime bind mounts it. This race condition is known as time of check to time of use (TOCTOU) where the subject being validated changes after it has been validated.

These validations and others are summarized in the following container lifecycle sequence diagram.

Volume subpath validations before the container startup

A New TOCTOU Vulnerability: CVE-2021-25741
The latest vulnerability was discovered by performing a symlink attack similar to the one explained above, with the difference being that it constantly swapped the symlink with a directory in a tight loop, using the RENAME_EXCHANGE option with renameat(2). If the timing is just right, the kubelet will see the path as a directory and pass the validation check. Then the mount utility may find that the path is a symlink pointing to the host and follow it, exposing the host filesystem to the container. This is visualized in the following diagram:

The expectation and the attack outcome

The GKE Security and Storage teams worked closely to revise the fix done previously to find a solution. The previous fix takes several steps to ensure that the directory being mounted is safely opened and validated. After the file is opened and validated, the kubelet uses the magic-link path under /proc/[pid]/fd directory for all subsequent operations to ensure the file remains unchanged. However, we found out that all of the efforts were undone by the mount(8) linux utility which was dereferencing the procfs magic-link by default. Once the problem was understood, the fix involved making sure that the mount utility doesn't dereference the magic-links by using the --no-canonicalize flag in the mount command.

The fix is in

Once the problem was well understood, we fixed it inside Kubernetes and quickly released the fix to GKE and Anthos. If GKE auto-upgrade is enabled in your clusters there's no action on your part for this vulnerability, your nodes have already been patched. We strongly recommend that customers utilize auto-upgrades. Auto-upgrade gives peace of mind that your clusters are running with the latest patches.

GKE released a Google Kubernetes Engine security bulletin on this vulnerability, which detailed what customers can do to immediately remediate this issue across GKE and Anthos. We also provided guidance to customers who manually manage their node versions, ensuring that fixed releases were available in every region for our Static and Release Channels.

Moving forward
Google continues to invest heavily in the security of GKE and Kubernetes. We encourage users interested in finding vulnerabilities to participate in the Kubernetes bug bounty program and in the Google Vulnerability Rewards Program (VRP) which was recently expanded to cover GKE vulnerabilities. For the latest guidance on security issues, please follow our GKE Security Bulletins.